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  • Standart Kalıplardan Özelleştirme Sayesin de Kurtulun.


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    Aleza Shower cabin model self original design owner strong stance with difference displayer ssliding The system has received full marks in terms of security and is guaranteed for many years of use. entered the class. Aleza 8mm - 6mm tempered glass or 8mm laminated  tempered glass tcan be integrated if preferred  special a system. Product 8-6mm  ;tempered made of glass aluminum frame The product combined with the product can only be cleaned at the bottom thanks to the slider from the top. has become easier for you. Product through found rail system 45- 18mm size It has a design. The wall connection frame of the product is suitable for 18-26mm thick wall 15mm due to balance disorder on the ground thanks to the connection  adjustable elegant wall < /span>profiles< span style="font-weight: var(--bs-body-font-weight); text-align: var(--bs-body-text-align);"> has.This You can place your towels on the product. The towel hanging apparatus for drying is included as standard on the product. blurred bathrobe optional It is added to special order.

    Standard Height 2000
    Optional profile,accessory  color options and Glass models

     < /p>

    6mm Tempered safe Glass
    You can choose laminated or plain 8 mm thick tempered safety glass.
    8mm Tempered safe Glass
    Magnetic Strip Ensures Sealing of the Cabinet. Elastomer Contact is Resistant to Temperature and Humidity Variantions.
    Its standart heigt is 2000. It can be changed upen request
    FIXING SYSTEM Profile wall mounting system offering two mounting options: with sealing profile (allows to balance the slope of the wall)
    INSTALLATION WITHOUT SHOWER TRAY This shower cabin can be mounted on a shower tray or directly on the floor.
    THRESHOLD-FREE INSTALLATION POSSIBILITY: All equipment required for shower cabin installation in cabins with or without thresholds are included in the product as standard.
    EASY TO CLEAN COATING The glass protection coating allows the shower cabin to be easily cleaned. Due to the hydrophobic feature of the coating, water drops do not remain on the glass but flow downwards without leaving any stains. This may be preferred.
    Thanks to the towel rail, you can find a shower towel at hand every time you finish your bath. It also makes it easier for towels to dry. May be preferred.
    Thanks to the robe hanger, you can find a towel at hand every time you finish your bath. It also makes towels easier to dry. Preferable


    Request product

    Just let us know the A size and B size of the installation location and the H  You can request size other than standard.
    ALEZA dIt can be installed on the floor of the shower cabin, even if there is a leveling disorder on the floor, the installation will be simple and work easier thanks to the adjustable profile..

    More information

    Apart from the Size Table, the product can be integrated in many sizes. The product can be designed and ordered based on personal measurements..

    You can contact us for your other requests.


    During the height measurement of the product, do not pay attention to areas above that may be obstructed or to situations such as recesses or protrusions.

    Care should be taken during measurement to ensure that there are no obstructive windows, etc. in the placement of the product. Informing us about obstacles such as

    It would be better to make production taking these situations into consideration.

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